Softball Throwing Drills
By Marc Dagenais
Learning how to throw a softball is really important if you play the game. It's one of the basic skills of the sport and something that all good defensive players know how to do very well. Throwing a softball occurs in many different game situations and so the better you know how to throw the ball then you are much more likely to help your team get out of a possible tough jam. This article has some softball throwing drills that will help you with throwing a softball the correct way. Take the time to practice these fastpitch softball drills because you're defensive game will greatly benefit as a result:
Drill 1 - Bent Knee
Purpose: To isolate the arms to focus on the proper use of both arms and the arms working in opposition.
Procedure: Partners take positions 15 feet apart and kneel on the leg of the throwing-arm side. The other leg is bent with the foot flat on the ground. The thrower points her glove at the target and throws using proper arm action. The receiver catches the ball and repeats the action.
Drill 2 - Dead-Ball Backhand Flips
Purpose: To practice backhand flip to bases.
Procedure: Place three balls on the ground on the first-base side of second about 10 feet from second base. A player runs in and executes backhand flips to the shortstop standing at second base. The player flips all three balls, approaching each ball with a short run.
Drill 3 - Release and Spin
Purpose: To develop proper release and spin.
Procedure: Partners face each other from about six feet away. One player holds the ball in her throwing hand with proper grip and puts the throwing-arm elbow in her glove at about chest height. Partners throw the ball back and forth at least 25 times. This exercise isolates the wrist action so that the players can feel this particular component. They should feel the wrist action, emphasize proper release, and check the vertical spin.
Drill 4 - Around the Horn
Purpose: To develop quick hands, quick feet, and throwing accuracy.
Procedure: Start with one or more players at each base. The player at home begins with the ball. The player at first base faces the plate and calls for the ball, yelling, "One, one, one!" and the player at home throws the ball to first base. If the ball is thrown to the inside of the base, the right-handed receiver does a 180-degree quick hop, turning toward the inside of the infield and setting up to throw to second base. If the ball is thrown toward the outside of the base, the receiver should turn her back toward the infield and set up to throw to second. The ball is thrown around the bases. Players should pivot based on where the ball is thrown. When the ball gets back to home plate, continue around or switch directions. Throw the ball around the bases for 4-8 minutes.
Drill 5 - Hit the Cutoff
Purpose: To teach outfields to hit the cutoff or relay person for all balls hit past them and to give the middle infielders practice serving as the relay person.
Procedure: Begin with at least one outfielder in right, center, and left fields. Spread three balls out behind each fielder close to the fence line. A shortstop and second baseman are needed in the infield. Starting with the right fielder and taking turns, each outfielder starts in ready position at her normal depth. The coach says "Go," and the first fielder sprints to the ball, picks it up on her back foot, and throws to the relay person, who comes out to get the ball. The outfielder should be required to throw 60 percent of the distance between where the ball lies and home plate. If the ball is hit on the left side, the shortstop goes out and is the relay person while the second baseman covers second. If it is hit on the right side, the second baseman goes out and the shortstop covers second. If it is hit up the middle, the two middle infielders communicate and decide for themselves. It's best that the player with the stronger arm take as many relay throws as possible. When that play is complete the middle infielders rest, and the center fielder, then the left fielder, go back for a ball and make the same play. Continue until each outfielder has thrown at least three balls.
Marc Dagenais is a softball peak performance coach that provides softball tips, softball drills, and information on techniques for hitting, pitching, coaching, and training through his blog at http://www.softballperformance.com/blog.
He also helps softball players and coaches improves their game by sharing with them the tips and strategies used by the world's best softball players and coaches to achieve extraordinary performances. You can sign-up to get his FREE Softball Tips at http://www.softballperformance.com/softball-tips.html. Go Sign-up Now!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marc_Dagenais
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