Softball coaching always needs demonstration and presentation of skills. In the softball world, a coach cannot just sit on the bench and basically tell the softball players what to do now, what to do next and what to do after. It is not only about you as a coach in words. You should not always be a man of words but also a man of action. This means that you have to get going and become the best standard that the players should look up to as their best example.
By Marc Dagenais
Indeed, the softball coaching needs a lot of hard work and preparation. It requires every coach to become an encouragement to the young and budding professional softball players. It is a must that you set a customary diagnosis on the players' daily performance so that you will have a just performance evaluation. This may serve as your guiding vision towards achieving the next success of your softball game.
In a world where every individual competes, coaching needs to become adaptable to change. This means that every coach has to revolutionize the ideas and practice drills so that the players have a greater chance of performing in a modified yet powerful way. Coaching strategies should also be developed in order to keep up with the increasing demand of a more competitive and a more ready for action players.
The question now is how a softball coach can start with the customized way or method of developing himself as a better coach as well as developing his individual players.
Coaching starts when you have seen the performance of your players. The exchange of observational analysis starts when you have seen how the players demonstrate their softball ability. After the keen observation, you can now begin with the swapping of expositions in the softball training drills. You can introduce a new skill during the drill but make sure that you teach it to the players using yourself as the presenter. Always coach the players how to perform the skill. The ability to demonstrate a skill is a must in each coach. Never expect too much also from them.
Start with a simple practice drill. The undemanding kick off of the practice drills will cause less pressure in you and the players. Coaching is not always about how fast you teach a skill. It is about how progressive you can lead the team. Starting with the basics is a great way in moving forward to a more competitive softball skill. They may not learn the new skill in an instant but they will eventually if you show encouragement and perseverance to them.
After all, each skill you teach can be progressive only if you have the patience in the training method. In this way, you will achieve a smooth flow of development among your players.
It is also very much valuable that a coach learns how to communicate well with his players. It is not always you who should talk. Players also have their thoughts and skills. Develop an open forum after each practice drill. Ask them questions like, "Who has another idea on softball hitting? Or who has another idea of the defensive style?" Things like these should be constantly done so that they will have an idea that you are coaching because you want to hone their innate skills, too. This practice would also develop a strong camaraderie among you and your players.
Marc Dagneais is Softball Peak Performance Coach that helps softball players turn their athletic talent into extraordinary performances and help coaches get more out of their players, turn their struggling team around or get an edge over their opponents. Visit us to access our directory of FREE softball drills!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marc_Dagenais
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