Free Softball Practice Drills
Marc Dagenais These softball drills are all great to use during practice and are free! If you play softball you may want to take the time to practice these drills during practice or on your own time because they can help you out tremendously.
Drill 1 - Merry-Go-Round (Softball Infield)
Purpose: To warm up or work on conditioning while fielding ground balls.
Procedure: Players form two fielding lines at opposite corners of the infield - one to the left of second base and one at home. Be careful that the players in line at second do not trip over the base. Two hitters hit or throw from the pitching-circle area, one to each line. Players field and run to the end of the opposite line. Hitters hit ground balls, fly balls, range balls, line drives, and scoops. Players return the ball to their hitter or place it in a bucket at the line they are running to. Hitters should have a bucket of extra balls to replace balls that fielders miss so the drill can be done at a steady pace.
Drill 2 - Knee Dives (Softball Catching)
Purpose: To learn how to dive to catch the ball.
Procedure: The tosser is six feet in front of the diver, who is on her knees. Using soft safety balls, the thrower tosses balls to the side just out of reach so that the diver must dive to catch them. Players progress to starting in a squat position and then to a full standing start. When using a mat have one tosser and never more than six fielders in a line so players don't waste too much time waiting for their turn but still have time to get ready for their next attempt. When bad weather forces you inside, this is an excellent drill if you have access to tumbling or wrestling mats.
Drill 3 - Sequence Throwing (Softball Throwing)
Purpose: To force concentration so that players can work on accuracy.
Procedure: Players use this sequence when throwing to a partner. Because the numbers are not in a logical sequence, the thrower must concentrate on each throw.
1. left shoulder 3.right shoulder
3. right hip 4. left hip
Drill 4 - Watch and Take Advantage (Softball Baserunning)
Purpose: To practice holding the leadoff until the pitcher has the ball.
Procedure: A pitcher with a bucket of balls on the mound throws to a catcher. Runners form a line behind first base. The runner works on getting a good jump on her leadoff and then maintaining a balanced position until the ball is successfully returned to the pitcher. The catcher occasionally overthrows the pitcher or the pitcher drops the ball. The runners looks for the error and reacts by going to second.
Drill 5 - Air Drill (Softball Bunting)
Purpose: To evaluate and practice bunting technique.
Procedure: The coach calls a particular bunt, and the batter then assumes position in an imaginary batter's box. On the command "Ball" the batter executes the basic movement. The emphasis is on proper bat angle and contact spot, good balance, and using the legs to lower the body for low pitches.
Marc Dagenais is a softball peak performance coach that provides softball tips, softball drills, and information on techniques for hitting, pitching, coaching, and training through his blog at
He also helps softball players and coaches improves their game by sharing with them the tips and strategies used by the world's best softball players and coaches to achieve extraordinary performances. You can sign-up to get his FREE Softball Tips at Go Sign-up Now!
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