By Scott Hamilton
Fastpitch softball is not baseball. Fastpitch softball is action packed, a surprise at every pitch, strategy at every breath…..this is fastpitch softball. Players, coaches, and fans must pay strict attention or they will miss the action.
Coaches relay signals at every pitch. Signals to the pitcher telling the pitcher the type of pitch and the placement of the pitch. Signals to the batter, telling the batter to swing or not, to bunt, to hit and run. Signals to the base runners, telling them to steal a base, to draw a throw. Signals to the fielders, telling them where to place themselves, or where to concentrate the defense. The coaches even use signals to indicate whether or not to use the signals! This is done to make sure the signals are not intercepted so that the opposition may gain advantage.
Fastpitch softball is so fast that teams can devise strategy to win even if they are over matched by superior pitching. This strategy is called “small ball”. This strategy involves bunting at nearly every pitch. This forces the defense to move in and is necessary because the bases are close together, only 60 feet, and can be reached rapidly by the runners. If a small mistake is made (a ball bobble, or a slow throw) the runner will be safe and opens the game up for more like strategy.
The difference between winning and losing can be very small. The equipment used by the players and coaches is key to success. Players and coaches can network to offer advice to one another to ensure that the best equipment is being put to use. These ideas can be shared at www.lets-talk-softball.com
This web site was established for fastpitch softball participants so that advice can be shared freely. Please visit the site and share your experiences with other so that they may become better.
Scott Hamilton is the owner and web master of http://www.lets-talk-softball.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Scott_Hamilton
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