Softball is a game that needs a lot of preparation and timing. It is a process wherein the proper coordination of mind and body is needed. A sound mind and a sound body.
By Marc Dagenais
Yes, there is much truth about this adage. If you really are fit, you should think of the good things that will happen to you and to your softball career.
The same is true with softball coaching. Coaching requires the full attention and full awareness of your softball players. Once you said that you are a coach that means you are already signing the contract of being their second parent. You now begin to be more responsible, more mature and more attentive with their needs. As second parent, you have also the chance to own them during practice and game time. This means that you have the power to give them commands that they should follow. But these commands must be of great help to their softball development and not to torture them.
There are several ways on how to improve your performance as a softball coach. Read on and you'll know what I am talking about.
A softball coach is someone who knows the basics of the game. He was also once a softball player. A coach who hasn't played the softball himself will never become the best coach. Coaching is about demonstration. The coach must not only command through words. He must teach new skills and techniques by doing it. It is true that you can really learn by doing. The players can learn fast if they can see you portraying the new skills you teach.
Remember that a softball coaching expert is a normal person just like you. A softball coach is always tired. Yet, he always smiles. There are no qualms about this. He gets mad when you can't get a skill easily. He smiles when you make a great move. He reprimands you if you will not follow. He taps your shoulder if you hit or pitched the ball well.
There are actually a lot of attitudes a softball coach has. They are just normal people with normal feelings. The players must also understand that the softball coaches are there to encourage you. It is your job also not to discourage them.
All in all, the softball coaching involves a give and take relationship between the player and the coach. If both participate well, then a happy, harmonious and productive softball game will be displayed in any softball field.
The true meaning of coaching is to unleash the potentials of people by helping and teaching them in an enthusiastic atmosphere. Softball coaching is just like being a teacher who guides his pupils. In your daily life, there are so many people around you who are always guiding and supporting you. Coaching begins from your families and friends. They are always there to motivate you and for you to not lose hope. They serve are your lifetime coach, and your daily life if the diamond where you play.
Marc Dagenais is a softball peak performance coach that helps softball players and coaches improves their game by sharing with them the tips and strategies used by the world's best softball players and coaches to achieve extraordinary performances. Visit his site and sign-up to get his FREE softball hitting tips!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marc_Dagenais
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